Saturday, 5 May 2018

Components of Computers

Components of Computers

  • Input
  • Output
  • Control Unit
  • ALU
  • Storage Unit
Input :: Input unit accepts the data or set of instruction from outside the world with the assistant or help of input devices such as keyboard and mouse. The input unit converts or change the data into binary number system and forwards the data for further and additional processing. 

Output :: Output unit is a unit which produces or create the result or outcome , the data or information which is entered into the computer system is in binary form the output unit converts the data into human-readable or intelligent form and produce or deliver the output with the help of printers and monitors.

Control Unit :: Control unit can be called as a supervisor or nervous system of internal operation, it interprets and translates in each and every single operation provided to the computer system. At the point when the data is provided to computer system it take fundamental and necessary action, it controls every action and later decides what to do with the data or information presented to it.
The control unit controls and facilitates with every unit present in PC

ALU :: ALU stands for “Arithmetic and Logical Unit“ It is responsible and in charge for all the operations such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division , Comparison, and logical operations such as (Equal, Less, Greater) used in the operations. The results and outcomes from Arithmetic and Logic Unit are stored in a temporary memory. 

Classification Of Computers

The Computer are classified into three main types::
  • Analog Computers
  • Digital Computers
  • Hybrid Computers (Analog+Digital)
Analog Computers :: Analog Computer measures “Physical Quantities” for example Temperature, Voltage, Pressure, and Electric Current. These are the quantities which are continuously varied and persistently change from one measurement to another, just like the temperature of a human being or individual.They process the given data or instruction or information into an analog data or simple data.

They are equipped for measuring instead of counting or checking. They are also specifically designed for measuring and can perform arithmetical calculation upon number where numbers are indicated by physical quantities or physical amount. Analog computer are used in scientific and industrial ventures, where they have to screen temperature,voltages and electric currents.
Examples of Analog Computer ::
  • Speedometer
  • Thermometer
Digital Computers :: The “Digital Computers” can complete or perform Arithmetic and logical operation when given to them in a type of binary number system .These types of computers are not for measuring physical quantities such as temperature, electric current, and voltages. They are high speed programmable machines or computers which can play out numerous mathematical calculations, and can store the data or information .When any instruction or direction given to them they convert that instruction or data or information into machine readable form that is 0 or 1 which is called as “Binary Number System”.
  • Desktop Computer OR Personal Computer (PC)
  • Laptop
  • Hybrid Computers (Analog + Digital) :: They posses both the qualities and features of Analog and Digital computers, they can measure or guage physical quantities as well as counting or checking and are generally used in scientific and in medical use. Just for Example There are some machines which can calculate the heartbeats and temperature of human body and converts or change them into numbers.
#ErSurajMottan #9796284284

Characteristics of Computers

 Computer Characteristics ::

The Basic Characteristics of Computer are as following ::
  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Memory
  • Diligence
  • Versatility
  • Reliability
  • Low Cost & Reduced Size
  • Automatic
  • No Feeling & No IQ
Speed ::

let’s talk about speed, Computers have an incredible speed with accuracy that is beyond human capabilities, Not only they have speed but the speed with accuracy and Pinpoint solutions to every problem arises before them.
The speed of computer is considered as one of the most important characteristics of computer. As per human beings, the smallest unit of time is considered to be second, but not for computers seconds are further divided into milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds and picoseconds. The powerful PC can work almost 5 million instruction per seconds. When we discuss the speed of computer milliseconds are hundredth of a second, microseconds are the millionth of a second, nanoseconds are the billionth of a second and picoseconds are trillionth of a second.
Speed is primarily the main characteristic of computer, their speed is measured in terms of GIGAHERTZ and MEGAHERTZ.They can solve complex to complex numerical and logical problems with ease compared to human beings.
Accuracy ::

They have a great speed and are unbelievably deadly accurate.The Errors occurs due to improper or wrong or inaccurate input given to the computer system.PC primarily depends upon the inputs. Say if a user enters wrong or improper or inaccurate information to the computer obviously the output generated by them will be wrong, improper or inaccurate.

The Errors we received while using personal computer are generally called as “Human Errors” or the errors of programmers who writes program for better computer functions.
GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out)Is a well-known term used for computer accuracy,if the input is wrong the output will also be wrong 
The characteristics of computer can be defined as the silent features they possess during a span of time. As the overall development of computer technology changed the basic characteristic has been increased dramatically before they were just used for calculation or for some specific task,but nowadays PC has reached to each and every part of human life and one cannot imagine their lives without their use and the impact computer generations have made in their lives.

From school, Institution to hospitals they are everywhere. PC has taken the human workload on their shoulders and provides us with Great AND Amazing results. 

CPU - Central Processing Unit

What is a CPU in Computer System? :: The CPU stands for Central Processing Unit and additionally called as Microprocessor or Microchip. Now the CPU or microprocessor is the essential and fundamental part of computer system, where all the arithmetic and logical calculation takes place. It interprets , translate and carries out the instructions for operating a computer as a device. in other words the set of instructions or date are introduced to the PC system in form of raw data through input devices of computer, and later this instruction are processed or prepared to get desired or wanted result.

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Computer Fundamentals

What is Computer Fundamentals ::It can be describe as the learning or studying some basic functions of computer starting from their origin to modern day. Study of basic computer types to their characteristics ,advantages and disadvantages are included in the Learning of fundamentals of computers. Before Shifting to advance computer knowledge it is highly recommended to be aware of this topic thoroughly as it would make you more confident and comfortable while acquiring more advanced computer skills.
A Computer can be defined or described as a machine or device which can work with information such as store , retrieve, manipulate and process data.The Term computer is derived from the word "computare" which is a Latin word and was used for calculation thus it can be more precisely defined as a Programmable machine which is used in some numerical calculations.Before few decades these machines were used for only calculations but nowadays they are widely and hugely used in all sections of human society.

#ErSurajMottan #9796284284

Block Diagram

The Basic components & parts of computer system are given below ::
  • Input Devices
  • Output Devices
  • CPU (Central Processing Unit)
  • Storage Unit
  • ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit)
  • Control Unit
  • #ErSurajMottan #9796284284
Block Diagram of Computer System :: The Computer system consists of mainly three types that are central processing unit (CPU),Input Devices, and Output Devices .The Central processing unit (CPU) again consists of ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and Control Unit. The set of instruction is presented to the computer in the form of raw data which is entered through input devices such as keyboard or mouse.
Later this set of instruction is processed with the help of CPU, and the computer system Produce an Output with the help of Output Devices mainly Printers and monitors. Large amount of data is stored in the computer memory with the help of primary and secondary storage devices temporarily and permanently.This are called as storage devices
The CPU is the heart | Brian of a computer because without the necessary action taken by the CPU the user cannot get the desired output. The central Processing unit [CPU] is responsible for processing all the Instruction which is given to computer system or PC. Below Block Diagram of Computer and Its Components are mentioned For Better Understanding
#ErSurajMottan #9796284284
Computer Generations has reached a different height with the use of a computer the task which looked difficult before are made simpler by the use of a computer as there are advantages and disadvantages of Computers. We will focus on each and every topic briefly. The computer has reached to every section of human society, from schools to hospitals business organizations, institutions everywhere we cannot imagine our daily life without the use of computers.
The impact of PC on humans are huge, people use the computer for selling and purchasing goods, online studies (E-Learning ) for searching virtually anything on the web, playing videos, for business promotions, railways and airplanes tickets you name it and it could be found on your fingertips by using a computer with internet. There use has been made must for students because of its World-wide use and acceptance.
Computers have made a vital impact on education, students can learn online, and get require skills and knowledge just sitting at home, the computers have made the distance virtually zero. Students are getting a higher education, certificates and degrees from the reputed institute, before they just dreamed of it computer has made their dreams into reality.
#ErSurajMottan #9796284284

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  A small awareness effort By Er Suraj Mottan/ Suraj Sir. . . Now there is no need to wait for completion of class 12th to reach CANADA for ...