Saturday, 5 May 2018

Characteristics of Computers

 Computer Characteristics ::

The Basic Characteristics of Computer are as following ::
  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Memory
  • Diligence
  • Versatility
  • Reliability
  • Low Cost & Reduced Size
  • Automatic
  • No Feeling & No IQ
Speed ::

let’s talk about speed, Computers have an incredible speed with accuracy that is beyond human capabilities, Not only they have speed but the speed with accuracy and Pinpoint solutions to every problem arises before them.
The speed of computer is considered as one of the most important characteristics of computer. As per human beings, the smallest unit of time is considered to be second, but not for computers seconds are further divided into milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds and picoseconds. The powerful PC can work almost 5 million instruction per seconds. When we discuss the speed of computer milliseconds are hundredth of a second, microseconds are the millionth of a second, nanoseconds are the billionth of a second and picoseconds are trillionth of a second.
Speed is primarily the main characteristic of computer, their speed is measured in terms of GIGAHERTZ and MEGAHERTZ.They can solve complex to complex numerical and logical problems with ease compared to human beings.
Accuracy ::

They have a great speed and are unbelievably deadly accurate.The Errors occurs due to improper or wrong or inaccurate input given to the computer system.PC primarily depends upon the inputs. Say if a user enters wrong or improper or inaccurate information to the computer obviously the output generated by them will be wrong, improper or inaccurate.

The Errors we received while using personal computer are generally called as “Human Errors” or the errors of programmers who writes program for better computer functions.
GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out)Is a well-known term used for computer accuracy,if the input is wrong the output will also be wrong 

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