Saturday, 5 May 2018

Classification Of Computers

The Computer are classified into three main types::
  • Analog Computers
  • Digital Computers
  • Hybrid Computers (Analog+Digital)
Analog Computers :: Analog Computer measures “Physical Quantities” for example Temperature, Voltage, Pressure, and Electric Current. These are the quantities which are continuously varied and persistently change from one measurement to another, just like the temperature of a human being or individual.They process the given data or instruction or information into an analog data or simple data.

They are equipped for measuring instead of counting or checking. They are also specifically designed for measuring and can perform arithmetical calculation upon number where numbers are indicated by physical quantities or physical amount. Analog computer are used in scientific and industrial ventures, where they have to screen temperature,voltages and electric currents.
Examples of Analog Computer ::
  • Speedometer
  • Thermometer
Digital Computers :: The “Digital Computers” can complete or perform Arithmetic and logical operation when given to them in a type of binary number system .These types of computers are not for measuring physical quantities such as temperature, electric current, and voltages. They are high speed programmable machines or computers which can play out numerous mathematical calculations, and can store the data or information .When any instruction or direction given to them they convert that instruction or data or information into machine readable form that is 0 or 1 which is called as “Binary Number System”.
  • Desktop Computer OR Personal Computer (PC)
  • Laptop
  • Hybrid Computers (Analog + Digital) :: They posses both the qualities and features of Analog and Digital computers, they can measure or guage physical quantities as well as counting or checking and are generally used in scientific and in medical use. Just for Example There are some machines which can calculate the heartbeats and temperature of human body and converts or change them into numbers.
#ErSurajMottan #9796284284

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