Tuesday, 28 March 2023


 There are two opinions on the question of continuance or banning of child labour in India. One group of people think that child labour should be banned since it is detrimental to physical and mental health of the child and is against the Directive Principles of the Constitution of India. The other group considers abolition of poverty as a pre - condition for abolition of child labour. They pled that child labour should be regulated so that children's are not employed in hazardous work.

      The government of India is taking steps to constitute a Technical Committee for identifying occupations which are hazardous for children.


A small awareness effort by Suraj Sir (ADCA, STENOGRAPHY, DFA, DTP, RHCE, BSC(IT) )

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Canada opens Study Vise for Minor Students

  A small awareness effort By Er Suraj Mottan/ Suraj Sir. . . Now there is no need to wait for completion of class 12th to reach CANADA for ...